Registration for the participation in our PT scheme can be done online using the following links:
- register online 2024
NEW: Online Registration and Online Result Transmission
With our new web application “ifatesten“ it is now possible to register for all offered proficiency tests and transmit the results of each round online.
You can find instructions here.
Until the end of the year, you can choose between the familiar registration method and our new web application. Please note that starting in 2025, registration and result transmission will only be possible through the new web application. To identify any potential issues and ensure a smooth transition, we encourage you to start using the new system now.
For the proficiency tests Nutrients "N173" and Metals "M173," online result transmission is already available. Participants will receive a separate email with further instructions. When transmitting results, please note that the values should be transmitted only once, either online or as a PDF to IFA. In case of duplicate transmissions, the online values will be used for evaluation.
If you encounter any issues or have questions while using the new web application, please contact us. We look forward to your feedback.
For proficiency tests conducted in cooperation with our partner UBA, results will continue to be transmitted as usual through the software provided by Quodata.
Ing. Caroline Stadlmann
phone: +43(0) 1 47654 97306
You can register for as many rounds as desired (programme). For organisational reasons, it is important that you register until two weeks before the respective shipping date.
Please take notice of the price list, the general terms and conditions (GTC) and our information on GDPR.
Your data will be passed on to the Environment Agency Austria (UBA, Umweltbundesamt GmbH) when you register for an interlaboratory comparison with natural samples.
A few days after registration, each participant receives a confirmation of order. In that confirmation the date of dispatch and the expected delivery time are listed.
We issue one invoice per order. You can contact us if you wish to receive partial invoices for the proficiency test rounds. In case of orders for real sample proficiency testings, invoicing is carried out on behalf of and for the Environment Agency Austria.
If you have any further questions please contact Ms Monika Gurschl.
Monika Gurschl
phone: +43(0) 1 47654 97003
The unsubscribing of an ordered proficiency test within the first two weeks after the binding registration is free of charge.
If a cancellation occurs after this period and before the shipping date, a processing fee will apply.
From the day of dispatch, 100 % of the sample and shipping price will be charged.